Comprehensive Diagnostics & Repair of
Centrifugal Pumps &
Domestic Water Systems
*Serving Mechanical Contractors in the Greater Houston AND SAN ANTONIO AREAS*
offering both shop and field Service You can trust

We strive to be the leader in
full-service pump And motor repair
Your customers expect equipment problems to be fixed correctly and with the absolute minimum downtime. We can help with that.
PRT offers full shop rebuilds and comprehensive field service to correctly diagnose and repair issues with minimal response and downtime.
We have the parts in stock and all machining work is done in-house, so we control the timeframe. You can depend on us to get the job done right within a 24-72 hour turnaround (depending on machine work).
We service the following systems:
Domestic Water Systems
Condenser Water systems
Chill water systems
Boiler feed systems
Storm drain systems
Circulator systems
US Mechanical Seal & John Crane Mechanical Seal authorized distributor

Contact PRT to learn more about our services and how we can help you!